August 6, 2019
Summer internship programme traditionally organised by Crater Studio has got international participants this year. The partnership between Escape Studios and the Serbian VFX industry got three of London graduates to Crater in order to launch their careers in one of the most successful VFX studios and training centers in Eastern Europe. Escape graduates, together with 7 more interns from Serbia, got a chance to put all their skills into practice in a proper studio environment, meeting and working with a highly skilled team, who is always ready to help, share knowledge and give valuable feedback about any work aspect.
In the first month interns have been working on the non-commercial trailer for “Drava“ project, while during the second month of the internship they worked on commercial projects for real clients where main challenge was to work quickly due to tight deadlines. Working at the same pace as other professional artists have made all interns more productive as an artists. As one of the participants said, this internship has pushed them, not only as students stepping into the industry, but also personally. During these two months they made new friends, discovered new places, enjoyed Belgrade and Novi Sad culture and sport scene and even went on famous music festival EXIT.
Students also visited 3Lateral Studio in Novi Sad and especially enjoyed one-day trips with mentors on which they collected references in order to make more realistic 3D models of airplanes and ships they’ve been doing during the internship.
Finally, Escape graduates have shared impressions about their internship experience in Belgrade on Pearson College London Blog. There you can read in details what Miguel, Sam and Maciej learned in Crater Studio, on which positions they did their internship, how they enjoyed time in Belgrade and Serbia and why they would always recommend Serbian VFX industry as perfect place for learning and starting career in CG, animation and gaming.
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